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Introspection, Part 2

I’m having those worries again.  One of these days, the mothership is going to come back to collect me for a debriefing.  They will say, “What have you learned about the people of this planet from 2 giga-seconds of living among them?” and I’ll have to reply, “Not a damned thing.  Nothing about them makes […]

Introspection, Part 1

Why don’t I have friends?  Because I don’t make any effort to maintain friendships.  Why am I not motivated to establish and maintain close friendships, and yet I regret not having them?  I’m not bashful or anxious about dealing with other people, strangers or acquaintances, but I feel it’s just not worth the effort. It’s […]

Kristol, Kalecki, and a 19th Century Economist Defending Patriarchy all on Political Macroeconomics. « Rortybomb

Kristol, Kalecki, and a 19th Century Economist Defending Patriarchy all on Political Macroeconomics. « Rortybomb. There’s an interesting idea here, presented primarily in the quotation from Kalecki from 1943.  The idea is that “business leaders” want to be in control of unemployment — that’s the real point of supply-side economics — but Keynes showed how […]

The War on Demand –

The War on Demand – Paul Krugman says: “It’s becoming clear to me that a substantial number of writers on economics find the whole idea that the economy can suffer because people are too thrifty, insufficiently willing to spend, deeply repugnant. I’m the sort of person who finds the notion that sometimes virtue is […]

The Most Emailed ‘New York Times’ Article Ever If you’re a regular reader of you’ll love this. If not, then, well, maybe you should be?